GAA Membership 2025

GAA Membership Guidelines

Expectations is that you have already registered on Foireann and have added a least one Child to your Family profile.

Useful Guides.

Setting up an account on Foireann.

Creating a Family on Foireann.

Membership Steps:

Log into Foireann at

 From the left panel, select the (Membership) option.

All Membership options will be displayed on Screen.

2025 Family Membership – One Child

                Single Payment: €170

or €47.50 for 4 Monthly Instalment option, Total: €190

2025 Family Membership – Two Children

                Single Payment: €330

or €87.50 for 4 Monthly Instalment option, Total: €350

2025 Family Membership – Three or More Children

Single Payment: €440

or 117.50 for 4 Monthly Instalment option, Total: €460

For this Demo, we will select the (2025 Family Membership – One Child). Select the (Register) button

In the Youth section, please select the Child to be Registered from the Dropdown list.

For Boys U8s and Older, please ONLY select the (GAA) single checkbox.

Select the (Continue) button.

On the following screen select the (Code of Conduct) & (Code of Behaviour) checkboxes for the Youth and select the (Continue) button.

The following screen will display the Payment options.

(Pay with Card) allows for a Single “Once off Payment” to be paid using Credit or Debit Card.

(Pay in Instalments) allows for multiple payment instalments. For Tyrrelstown GAA payments,  4 instalments are Configured.

Note: Instalment payment option will cost more than the Single payment option. This is to cater for  additional transactional payment Costs.

Each payment option will be Automatically charged to the same card on the same day each consecutive month for a 4 month period.

  1. Pay with Card (Once off Payment) select the (Pay Now) button.

Select the (Confirm) button.

At this point you will be navigated to the (Stripe Financial System).

Please enter your card details and Complete the Payment. Once complete, you will be returned back the Foireann Website.

  1. Pay in Instalments (Instalment Payment Plan) by selecting the (Pay in Instalments) button.

Select the (Confirm) button.

Select the (Add a Payment Option) button.

The following screen is returned, here you need to enter a Card details that will be active for the next 4 month Period. Please check Expiry details of the card before entering the Card Details.

Enter your Card details to Register the Payment Method.

Once the Card has been registered, focus will return to the Foireann application.

Select the checkbox for the Card Payment Method.

The (Create Installation Plan) button is activate.

The Payment option will create a recurring Transaction payment, creating a 4 payment plan that will automatically charge the Card each month for the next 4 consecutive months.

Please note, the red (Payment Due) items will be cleared once the Club registers fees for the Juveniles with the GAA Association at a later date.